Mac Dock Uses 100% of CPU

I noticed the fans in my Macbook Pro were running excessively.  When looking at Activity Monitor, I noted that the Dock was using 100% of the CPU.  A quick search on Google, and I found the culprit to be Parallels.  The root cause is an issue with the graphics API between OS X 10.6.8 and Parallels Desktop 6.  I had indeed recently updated to 10.6.8 in preparation for Lion.

The details can be found in this Parallels KB article:
Mac Dock consuming 100% of CPU core after upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6.8

Dock consumes 100% of CPU

Mac OS X 10.6.8
Parallels 6.0.12090

The Solution
Rather than downloading from the web site, I simply ran the "Check for Updates" on the Parallels application menu.


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