Building Microservices with Asp.Net WebAPI, Owin, Ninject, NHibernate, and Azure
We’ve been building microservices here for a while, so I thought I’d share how we do it. I’ll try to cover the basics of how we implement all our services without getting too complex. I’ll provide a high-level overview of the basic components that lay the foundation for our services and share some code snip-its. The goal is to provide you with a simple foundation to build your own microservices framework strategy upon. What’s a Microservice? There are a lot of opinions on the matter. When I use the term microservice in this article, I’m referring to a service that is independently deployable and encapsulates a single bounded context. Though the techniques in this article could be applied to any service, even large monoliths. Core Technology Stack Even though the benefit of microservices is “use what every you want”, we found that having a standard set of tools in the tool box keep our lives simple and allow us to produce services more quickly. If your shop does give developers...